About Us

Advancing organizations through open source technology

Our History

Cerium Software was founded by Dr. Michael Nolan in 2012, when he was a grad student studying catalysis. After solving a scheduling conflict in the lab with a simple calendar app, he saw the potential in improving research by automating simple administrative tasks, and went to work on laboratory automation with "WebChemi Lab Manager," a precursor to CeriumSoft's Niobi Research Center and ERC360. During this early phase of the company, Michael built a small team with Shawn Musick and Andy Scott, took on web development jobs, and worked through several automation and platform projects, learning about intuitive design for visualizations, workflows, and reporting.


Catalysts for productivity

During this learning phase, the core CeriumSoft team focused on the idea that a web platform should not take center stage. Instead, automation should very much be the behind-the-scenes magic that lets the organization and its goals take center stage. The platform provides the context for the right kinds of communication, allowing people using the platform to more quickly make decisions and finish tasks.


Open Source Mindset

CeriumSoft is a champion of what we call the "Open Source Mindset," or the idea that organizations can reach new heights when members think about how to make their work integrate into the larger organization. At the core of this mindset is "The 30 minute rule," or the notion that a truly successful open source project is one that can enable a novice to become a proficient user, and for developers a contributor, within 30 minutes of first contact. In addition to building software, CeriumSoft teaches on how to use the Open Source Mindset to enhance project performance and productivity