Cerium Software maintains open source Drupal modules and distributions aimed at assisting you in carrying out research. We provide hosting and custom development services so you can take advantage of our software without having to worry about IT.
Crowdsourced Activity Reporting for NSF Engineering Research Centers
ERC360 is a crowdsourced activity reporting software for members of the National Science Foundation's Engineering Research Center Program. Turn months of data collection and reporting work into days by having your members post their data into ERC360, giving you both compiled reports and real-time updates on progress per member, and for the ERC overall.
Flashpoint Education
The Drupal based education platform for the open-source community
Flashpoint Education enables the creation of marketing- and commerce-friendly courses.
Niobi Research Center
Collect Collaborate Communicate
Niobi is a web application that allows research groups to organize work by groups and departments, and facilitates knowledge retention, onboarding of new group members, and inventory and equipment management. If you have seen new students lose weeks or even months of time when getting started, finding time to run experiments on frequently used machines, or re-inventing tools and processes that were already developed by earlier students, then this software is for you.

Zeomine Web Crawler
Customize the web
While Zeomine Server Monitor performs automated monitoring and data collection within a server, Zeomine Web Crawler reaches outward to analyze websites. ZWC has been used in media analysis, text extraction and processing, downloading public data tables, and more. Like ZSM, ZWC may also be managed centrally, and can be used for tasks as simple as uptime monitoring, up to tasks as complex as constructing a search engine or performing meta-analysis. With ZWC's plugin system, every aspect of the crawler's behavior may be tweaked to your needs.